Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Only 27 more sleeps until Christmas (聖誕節shèng dàn jié)

This is the exciting time of the year for children.  We have so many ideas of advent calendars for children of different ages/classes this year.  We will be learning the Christmas songs in the next few weeks and really looking forward to the last class which we will be having varies workshops and the usual end of the term party.
Here's the first advent calendar children made, they wrote the numbers from 1 to 24 all by heart! They can counting down the days with one little treat inside the cone a day.  The treat can be a sweet (which we have got plenty of left overs from Halloween), a sweet message for someone, a Chinese word they will learn, a activity/game they want to do/play and etc. More pictures to follow from other classes (if I remember to take photo of them!).

The older children made this advent calendar with their own creative ideas by using different shapes of papers.  I was too busy to take photos of their brilliant work and here's the one I made.

Santa's advent calendar was a great success last year so we have it again for the younger children. Santa will grow his beard bit by bit each day and by the time Santa grow all his beard, it's Christmas!
Here's Max's work!

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